July, 22 2023 at 8:40 am

Last night I had a dream that was insane. So my husband of 2 yrs (known and Been with each other for 13) we went to a party at some point I start feeling off and go to find him. He’s with another girl who seems super weird as she’s pulling his teeth out 1 by 1. I freaked out and tried to get him to leave and he was just not having it. That’s when he told me they had slept together. But she was gone he told me they didn’t that he just needed me to leave before I got hurt. Then I woke up. Fell back asleep and somehow I was fighting for my life. When it started again she had some kind of power over everyone besides me and this one guy. She had cut all the tips of my fingers off and put like different ones back one but I could visually see how messed up my fingers were. I woke up again. Got back in it at a funeral and my whole family was there…I see her walk in and I’m telling my aunt that is her. Her little dude she had with her quickly turns around and tries to shoot me with a Arrow (he doesn’t hit me) and I just scream “mama over and over and over” and then I hear my mother say I got you. After that I just remember fighting and somehow winning and starting to zero in on the girl in black and I woke up.